Optimization of Nutrition Management

مصرف کود

Farmoland sell solutions and value

Provides the best nutritional conditions, using the world’s best knowledge and technology, with accurate analysis for any agricultural production. Also we are a big partner of important companies which are producing fertilizer.

Performs hundreds of data mining projects per day via our powerful servers. We extract an advantageous and a valuable knowledge from within the field daily information. currently, thanks to the both NASA and ESA satellites, we reales a big deal of real data in order to provide the best advice on how to optimize nutrition and apply fertilizers.

One of the most advantages of this system, which leads to lower costs, is to increase the efficiency of nutrients. For example, only nitrogen, which is the most driver of photosynthesis and plant growth, is specifically designed to increase nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and nitrogen uptake efficiency (NUEt).


Due to the complexity of the soil and plant nutrition based on the plant type, this system are estimated as a large matrix by the simulation and are monitored 7/24 by using Remote sensing techniques to make ensure that every things in the field is ok.

The farmoland’s goal is environmental protection and sustainable agricultural development.
More crop, Per drop.

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